Friday 16 November 2007

My 20th Birthday

We celebrated my birthday last night, starting with a party in the flat and then drinks in Osborne Road and then on in to town. Rachel visited from Middlesbrough and Laura and Vicky almost made it from all the way up the road! It was a good night, but needless to say we're all taking a little easy today. I had many nice presents, thanks guys, and a sexy new laptop from Mum and Dad! Mum came up this morning bearing gifts and cake and the day wasn't complete without a trek round Ikea! Looking forward to a family meal on sunday as well.
Clare and Rachel posing.
Aidan with 12 of his 24 mistakes.

Aidan and I in Revolution.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Easy Baking

We are very happy this week as the old cranky oven that couldn't get hot enough to cook a pizza, took forty minutes to bake a cake and had a hob that leaked gas has been replaced with a shiny new one. Happy days!

Monday 5 November 2007

34 Sunbury Avenue

Welcome to our house blog! In the house lives Clare Cavanagh (Irish, parties all the time and studies Archeology), Jess Smith (Owner of the beloved Dyson, loves Frankie & Benny's and studies History), Libby Kerr (Vegetarian, climbs rocks and studies Accountancy), Katie Carter (From the Wirrel, offical housewife and studies History and Politics), Zoe Slack (From London, likes to be warm and studies Classics), Ruth Bell (Ringleader, accident-prone and studies English Literature) and last but not least the Maggots (White, wriggly and fond of pigeons)!